Associate Staff Engineer (mobile-hybrid-ionic) Job in Nagarro

Associate Staff Engineer (mobile-hybrid-ionic)

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Job Summary


AssociateStaff Engineer (Mobile-Hybrid-Ionic)

5 7 years of experience


Nagarro helpsclients transform, adapt, and build new ways into the future through anentrepreneurial, agile, and caring mindset. We excel at digital productengineering and deliver on our promise of thinking breakthroughs. Today, we are8,400+ experts across 25 countries, forming a Nation of Nagarrians, ready tohelp our customers succeed.

At Nagarro, you can look forward to a work culture that is dynamic andnon-hierarchical. You will be given opportunities to add value to challengingand complex assignments, while collaborating with world class technologists.The versatile environment here helps foster fresh perspectives and enables youto deliver high quality code. There will be ample opportunities provided forskill upgradation to accelerate your professional and personal development.
  • Strong experience inmobile app development using Ionic framework. Hands-on with JavaScript, HTML,CSS and Angular8.
  • Good in Ionic CLI, IonicUI Components, Cordova Integrating, Creating Android and iOS builds, Unittesting, Jasmine, Ionic storage, Navigation/Routing, Themes, Debugging, NPM,Push Notifications, Security and Performance best practices
  • Experience with buildingand deploying Android and iOS apps developed using Ionic
  • Passionateabout writing world class code
  • High levelof commitment to client satisfaction and agility
  • Collaboratewith others and build positive working relationships
  • Possess astrong work ethic
  • Strongwritten and verbal communication skills


  • Analyzingthe projects requirements and the ability to convert said requirements intotechnical documents, design and code
  • Implementingdesign methodologies and tool sets
  • Writingwell-designed, defect free code which scales well and follows all best practicesand guidelines
  • Executingthe development of software with a strong focus on the security, performance,and robustness
  • Conductingdeep level analysis to identify root cause to systematically resolve issues
  • Followingall defined software configuration management best practices
  • Reviewingcode to identify issues as well as deviations from best practices
  • Addressingissues promptly, responding positively to setbacks and challenges with amindset of continuous improvement
Experience Required :


Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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