Graphic Designer Job in Tejaswi Group
Graphic Designer
- Malad-Mumbai, Mumbai, Maharashtra
- 18,000 - 22,000 per month
- Full-time
Creating Art work for stall design & display product in co ordination with stall & display
designer according to the requirements.
Creating a n innovative design for Digital advertising in accordance with marketing
Requirement. [ Promotional advertisements and messages delivered through email, social
media websites, on line advertising on search engines, banner ads on mobile or Web sites]
Creati ng an innovative designs for making catalog, brochure, booklets
Developing design & creating company marketing collateral.
Proofreading and preparing designs to be sent to print & Visiting floor for the verification of
art work placement in collaboration with Production department.
Collaboration with marketing department to understand the client requirement to create cost
effective designs.
Understanding the client requirement, estimating the time the project will require & coming
up with the design conce pt that fit the client's requirement.
Creating final designs, working to a deadline and budget with amending designs according
to the clients' final comments.