Content Writer-health And Fitness Job in Sportskeeda
Content Writer-health And Fitness
4+ weeks ago
- Bengaluru, Bangalore Urban, Karnataka
- Not Disclosed
- Full-time
Job Summary
- Must have a good understanding of health and fitness, with an emphasis on fast-based, scientific approach.
- Must possess a basic understanding of the North American fitness and health industry.
- Should have a basic understanding of SEO tools to help optimize content.
- Excellent command of the English language (US) is a must.
- Should possess a knack for sentence composition, grammar, and syntax.
- Should be legitimately passionate about fitness as a way of life.
- Should exhibit excellent content acquisition skills from viral platforms such as YouTube, Reddit, Twitter, Google Trends and more.
- Excellent time management skills and ability to work independently.
- Preferably 0-2 years of experience.
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