Content Writer-intern Job in Scgb Solutions
Content Writer-intern
- Bengaluru, Bangalore Urban, Karnataka
- Not Disclosed
- Full-time
- Permanent
Engage in a range of storytelling and creative techniques that help capture ideas and translate them into engaging digital experiences.
Develop and sustain relationships with clients and prospects by being their creative advisor.
Develop and track metrics and success criteria for all content-related activities.
Closely work with sales and marketing teams and define the content roadmap for new business.
Assist in the design and development of marketing campaigns and associated collateral.
Assist in the design and development of marketing campaigns and associated collateral.
strategizing SEO-focused content to increase organic customer acquisition through the website, social media, blogs, and videos and generate inbound leads
Juggle multiple projects while effectively managing timelines and expectations
1 to 3 Year
2 - 4 Hires