Area Sales Manager Job in Sapat International Pvt. Ltd.

Area Sales Manager

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Job Summary

Job Description Business Development: Responsible for Overall Sales performance of the designated area. Should be team player who can have controlling abilities as well as motivate ASEs and CREs for greater levels of productivity. Recommend suitable candidates for CRE and ASE s. Prepare area business plan for the territory in conjunction with the ZSM. Develop product wise strategies together with BDM, CMO and Brand teams, in keeping with the area life cycle stage for the territory for a given brand. Training and development of the ASE/CRE on outlet management, beat analysis, repeat and throughput. Territory Development: Review the performance of the ASE s CREs and PDs and take corrective actions. Appointment of financially sound PD s for servicing the outlets. Visit the PD and reconcile fulfilment of Secondary Sales (Orders booked by CRE and Orders dispatched by PD. Visit the PD and reconcile primary, secondary Sales, and stock for the PD. Get fresh orders if the orders for the depleted stock. On a a quarterly basis setup PD wise goals for secondary sales (for the next 3 months), and fix number of days required for coverage. Set distribution goals and review the progress month on month basis. Identify the potential areas based on high MPV and map those beats with FF for coverage.

Experience Required :


Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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