Android Developer Job in People Tech

Android Developer

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Job Summary
  • Design and build applications for Infotainment on the Android Automotive platform.
  • Maintain quality and ensure responsiveness of applications.
  • Collaborate with the rest of the engineering team to design and launch new features.
  • Maintain code integrity and organization.
  • Excellent knowledge of the Java programming language
  • Experience with Android SDK and multiple versions of Android.
  • Experience with Android framework, as well as offline storage, threading, and performance tuning.
  • Experience in implementing IPC like AIDL, messenger, Services and Binders.
  • Experience in implementing gRPC and MQTT.
  • Must be familiar with RESTful APIs to connect Android applications to back-end services.
  • Experience with Android UI principles and best practices.
  • Knowledge of the open-source Android ecosystem and the available libraries.
  • Experience with cloud message APIs and usage of push notifications.
  • Knowledge of code versioning tools such as Git and Bitbucket. Knowledge of Design Patterns.
  • Hands-on business analytics experience and proven ability to use analytics to drive the development of business cases and product strategy.
  • Implementation of Native SDK requirements.
  • Familiarity with continuous integration and advanced testing libraries.
  • Experience in writing Unit test cases and testing frameworks like Mockito.
Experience Required :

Minimum 2 Years

Vacancy :

2 - 4 Hires

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